Monday, August 18, 2008


Entropy is the concept of order dissolving to disorder in nature. Over the past few weeks, all order in my life has approached entropy. Life, in general, has sort of slipped past me and has cascaded into a huge pile of emails, unopened mail, unreturned voicemails, etc. Needless to say, a big pile of crap lays before me. Now, I am not saying my life is a big pile of crap. Not whatsoever. I'm merely commenting on the disarray of things in my life right now. It's doubtful that the "Big C" has much to do with it, but I'm going to apologize to you all for not writing sooner. I appreciate those of you out there who actually read this and have requested an update.

I just got back from a family vacation in Myrtle Beach. My neice, who just had a birthday, turned eight. Eight. The number that is basically the infinity sign turned on its side. After a few nights with an eight year old, I see where the infinity sign comes in... It's the reason behind their infinite bundle of energy. OH GOD, do you know what it's like trying to entertain an eight-year-old for three days? Let me tell you, I have a new found respect for babysitters and boy do I NEVER wanna be one!

Anyway, back to entropy... I am in the midst of trying to pull myself out of this abyss of disorganization and get back to me. The anal, over-organized, lining-things-up guy with post-its all over the place. So, that's where we are. Back to the grind of putting things back into their containers, clothes on hangers, socks in drawers and my life back to some semblance of order.

Wish me luck!